Quite Simply McLundie Are Architects & Designers
You have probably heard the saying Jack of All Trades and Masters of None. Well we can assure you that McLundie are master architects and designers. Unlike some of our peers, we do not profess to be developers or constructors. We know where we excel and that is as architects & designers, which is demonstrated in the quality of work we produce for our clients. So we felt it was important to tell you what makes us stand out from our competitors in our brief customer charter.✓ We ARE architects and designers
X We are NOT developers
X We are NOT constructors
✓ We DO put our clients interest to the forefront
X We DO NOT benefit from the fees of third parties
✓ We DO coordinate all aspects of the architectural project from concept to handing over keys
✓ We DO thoroughly manage the building process from start to finish and co-ordinate all professionals involved (quantity surveyors, engineering consultants, project managers, interior designers etc)
✓ We DO keep the client informed at all stage of the stages of the project
✓ We DO create exceptional buildings in terms of design and build quality
✓ We are COMPLETELY independent and completely aligned with our clients best interests.